Well it's been building up inside of me
For oh I don't know how long
I don't know why
But I keep thinking
Something's bound to go wrong

Zachary Jones @ZJ

Age 32, Male

Radio Producer

University of Cincinnati

Washington, D.C.

Joined on 7/5/06

Exp Points:
50,610 / 100,000
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How's my Modding? (2013 Feedback)

Posted by ZJ - January 1st, 2014

So, I became a BBS moderator in 2013. I've always strived to be fair and active while monitoring the BBS while listening to the people who use the boards. In today's BBS, we need to come together and work as a team. We still have enough people to create a really fun and memorable experience on our forums as long as we all follow some basic guidelines. Personally speaking, I've made sure to use banning as a last resort and have tried to answer any PM that comes my way in a timely fashion.

However, I'm only human, so I'd like to know what you guys think I've been doing well and what I could improve on. I'm obviously not gonna stop following certain NG rules (Your thread filled with goatse pictures is still gonna get deleted), but I'd love to hear your guys' thoughts on my modding and the BBS as a whole. 

So, thoughts?



is okay


I'm almost twice your age laddie, but this sprung to mind (the actual Mayor and his popular catchphrase/question... wonder why no one's made a compilation of them! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fzKEzjUWavA

You're taking the right (yet unpaid) approach by asking, and by not letting ego enter into it, like some of the more colorful mods here. Sure, there's repeat offenders, but taking a straight line with everyone equally yields better results.

~VicariousE, occasional lurker of the BBS, and quite wary of SG64 signing every... hmm

I try to be colorful, but I don't think the BBS has enough members or activity to withstand life under another EyeLovePoozy or BigBadRon. They're funny dudes, but I'm sure they rubbed a ton of people the wrong way.

- Captain Wacky Zachy

Your moderating is................................................unreal

.....), ---.(_(__) /
....// (..) ), ----"
send this GUN to everyone you care about including me if you care. C how many times you get this, if you get a 13 your A TRUE HOMIE

Ca$h money!

To be honest it's difficult to discern but, the fact that you're creating an open dialogue towards criticism and feedback shows that you are in fact a reasonable, level-headed moderator; which in my mind is undoubtedly a rare and respectable thing on the NG BBS.

I am a real American. Fight for the rights of every man.

hey i've probably said about this before but probably expressed it in a stupider way;

why does there seem to exist this double standard in regards to your nfl threads

you consistently post images that are irrelevant to the topic and some bordering on being nsfw yet it seems to be okay for reasons that escape me

they don't necessarily detract or derail your threads about the nfl but it just seems so peculiar that you choose to post those images yet as far as i can recall, threads have been locked and presumably people banned for the same things. it certainly appears to infringe on some rules if i'm interpreting them correctly

if i were to make a thread about the upcoming australian open, tennis lol i'm a fag, and if i were to couple my posts in it with naked/scantily clad chicks, would that be acceptable

Honestly it's a tradition that EyeLovePoozy started. There's a group of users who like the threads the way they are and whatever.

I dunno. It's a grey area, but one that admins like Wade seemed to have accepted. You might want to ask him about why those threads have been allowed. I'm just trying to have fun while keeping some sort of order intact.

oh that's fair enough then, i guess

If it makes you feel any better, I'm probably going to be done with the NFL threads for a while. :(

Hmm, I can't recall any locked topics with your signature on them, but posting a post like this seems like a good measure of responsibility! Haven't used the BBS much the latter half of the year.

Btw, I've always wondered, if you get a massive amount of spam at the same time, like this: http://www.newgrounds.com/dump/item/c31f1d5fb488ad94dfe4a8940632c18e

Do you just delete the users; all their posts at the same time? Delete topics individually? Do you get checkboxes to batch delete topics or is it one at a time?

Without giving away too much information, there are a variety of ways to take down the topics and ban the users responsible for spamming up the place in a quick manner. Obviously, an admin has even greater control. Sorry if that isn't that helpful, but I don't want to get in trouble.

is the nfl season ending soon or whatever? i'm not american so i'm not really clued in

if it isn't ending then don't let what i said affect what you do. presumably everyone is fine with it and it doesn't really bother me, i was just curious more than anything

My team is out of the playoffs, so I'm throwing a tantrum and not being involved with it anymore.

Wouldn't want to get you in trouble, I can say that somewhat stills my wonder; confirms plausible theories. :) Follow-up question, is there an additional set of rules that each mod must abide by? Is it more of a just-don't-speak-about-modding thing?

Ever heard of "What happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas"? It's pretty much like that.

You're second best to stafffighter.

He's not even fit to lick my boots.

How long have you been riding poozy's dick before you became a mod.

Your grammar is off. It should be "How long did you ride Poozy's dick before you became a mod?"

How long did you ride Poozy's dick before you became a mod? Did you ride it like a cowgirl?


Cool story bro

thanks winston

"I'm locking this thread and I can tell you that I'm personally going to start cracking down on SG64..."

Works for me. There's no need for backseat modding if regular modding is in effect.

Good deal. We're all a big happy family again.

I keep everything related to your modding in a notebook. Only the first page is written and with huge letters you can read "Got owned by Luis #ownd #pwnd #rekt"

We are mistakes constantly making people. Get back at him with your awesome modding skillz.

I am going to ask Wade to delete his account.

Haven't been on the forums much to notice. My request for a locked thread way in the past has been fulfilled by EyeLovePoozy, so no need for that. I would like it if you could turn the user Oolaph into a goose though, but that might be beyond your powers (or even comprehension, not you, it's me). Other than that, you could pitch this...


What do you mean by "pitch this"? Get rid of it?

No pitch it as a permanent idea or something.

I can talk to someone, but you should PM Tom about it!

I've already tried to get in touch with Tom about the new blog system, but no reply. I think he has his hands full right now.

Hmmmmmm. You could always try Wade!

wtf why did you ban me???? are you SERIOUS DUDE WOW UNBAN ME RIGHT NOW!

You are a nuisance and a security threat to this website. Not only are you banned, but account termination is eminent. Good day!

You can't denied that flappy fedoras is the best flappy birds clone.

I'm sorry, but I can't say that it beats Flappy Bert!

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